Saturday 14 February 2015

Beautiful scarves and sunflower seeds

In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful.

sunflower seeds

14 February 2015.02.14
Current news in the world can occupy one’s mind and make one feel helpless and blue: The brutal slaying of the three young people at the University of South Carolina, the rape of a boy at a school in the Northern Cape and so on. We try to do something about it and share it on facebook or sign petitions; have class discussions and try to make meaning of all of these events.
Then it’s back home and more depressing chores, mopping floors. The washing machine has packed up, scripts need to be attended to, names and numbers captured, preparation and checking of next week's work. If I do not spring into action I fear it will all just pile up.

I must say that the IHYA course is going well Alhamdulillah, the class is starting to form its identity. Adult learners engaging with new texts and we are all enjoying discussions and group work. The hunt for houses continue unabated and the garden maintains its serenity despite a bit of neglect now and then.

English Lavender

We took lots of plants:  lavender and an array of bushes and small trees and herbs that we propagated in our Mindful Living project to the iHATA centre for Abused women who were so opgemaak, the expressions on their faces, joyous. We are looking at dates for our first workshop on planting organically Insha'Allah.

French lavender

There is nothing that cheers me up more than beautiful scarves. The different hues lifts the spirit and fabric is soft to the touch. Abu’s cousin Salwa sells the most beautiful ones. I needed a navi one, my old one was gettinga bit shabby. Then I spied a beautiful white and navi geometrically designed one and a cheerful green flowery one that cheers yet it is soothing to the eye.
 Its so weird - when I look at my clothing in the cupboard I make a metal note of the colours I need. But when I see them hanging and folded in an array of colours I know not which to choose. I came home definitely wishing I had taken ones with russet and bright orange or maybe azure. I know she has a stall or two and as soon as I know where I will keep you informed, I am so off to buy some more scarves.
Methinks tomorrow morning would be great for a walk, maybe to Milnerton flea market, maybe to the beach, maybe on a mountain path and definitely going to find the stall with the beautiful scarves.
A deep watering for the garden before Magrib so we can walk early in the morning  - the ridge cucumbers are hanging beautifully, the chillis are turning red in the sun, figs are ripening and the sunflower heads have dried and offers us so many new seeds. Who would have thought so many comes from only one flower.
Plant food and gather ye sunflower seeds!

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