Monday 26 May 2014

26 May 2014- Miraaj tonight, Ramadhan is coming

In the name of Allah most gracious most merciful

Tonight we will stand shoulder to shoulder and contemplate upon the night journey of our Beloved Rasululaahi salalaahu alayhi wasalam. We cleanse our hearts from any rancor and we declare our testimony to Allah, the One Ilaa.

Our weekend planting was briefly interrupted by the beautiful wedding of Abubakr’s niece Qudsiyya to Jehad on Saturday, so striking these two young people in both their adab and dedication. It was wonderful seeing three of our IPSA students at the wedding! Sunday morning early I was in the garden planting delphiniums, sowing Canterbury bells and lobelia and so impatient to plant the new beetroot and carrot seedlings in the wooden crate. But first things first, I was lekker tired of the day before so I made a high powered smoothie of fresh fruit from our local greengrocer ( support Nefies!) and everyone was lying in a bit. But I put on my boots, dressed warmly and walked briskly a few times around the property.

iris heads up
I am starting to be a real planting junkie – I allocate every nook and cranny and stuff it with newly made compost and soil and shove seeds into it. Methi (fenugreek) along the cracks in the path. Onions in the sides of the strawberries. Leeks all around the edges of the beets and carrot. Finally Abu joined me, I was having far too much fun and he started pushing in compost between the paving and we contemplated putting in spearmint (like in Madinah) in between. I found spaces to plant the black eye Susie. The efforts of Waseemah and Azrah pay off. I also bought some calendula for in between veggies and now I am content Alhamdulilaah.
Abubakr has started recycling the milk trays and planted at least 20 smallish fruit trees and packed them against the shadecloth and it looks awesome. We bought a few guava trees still young enough to try our hand at espaliering (training them to grow flat and in the shape of a fan). And then by the afternoon we heard about the janaazah of Faldela and went through to Salt River after Magrib. Verily, one finds solace in prayer. Was so good to see the family and some old District Six friends. I met Aunty Gawa Amos – the woman of the beautiful rambling roses that trailed all around her garden in Tilbury Street. Ma Sha Allah, at over eighty still so beautiful and full of life (the Aunt of Faldela). I also recognised another woman, Aunty Mureeda (hope I got her name right) who took care of us when our parents were on hajj in ’71.

Today I water the seedlings lightly after spending all of yesterday in the garden, tidying up after the winds and allocating new spaces for planting, shukran Allah. I am astounded every day at the barakah bestowed on the garden. Three huge mushrooms have popped up from the compost. How quickly everything grows and can be shared with others and used in the cooking every day.
The potato plants are really growing quick and strong and soon I will fill it to the brims of the necks of the plants with more soil and compost. After the rain large mushrooms make their appearance in the garden. All the corms and bulbs planted are out and the spaces between strawberries are now being utilized for lettuce and spinach and garlic and of course its best companion borage.

All the lavender seedlings have taken root, Abu is almost dancing a jig with happiness, the wind blew over one if his catering trays with seedlings and as he picked them up there were teeny weeny roots. Till tomorrow then, a lot to do before this evening, this holy night, when we got the gift of our five waqts of solaah, welcome Ramadhan!
Plant food and take long walks.

Ps. It’s my youngest birthday tomorrow – seventeen years old. Seventeen years ago he was in my womb as I stood at the Beitulaah and on Arafaat. I have to prepare surprises for tomorrow inshaAllah!
New look

recycling trays with fruit trees planted




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