Wednesday 22 October 2014

All kinds of wonderful cucurbits

In the name of Allah the most gracious, the most Merciful.
squash plants
22 October 2014.
There is a particular quietness in the air, only interrupted by the swish of tyre on asphalt. The miniscule mist dewdrops descend on the soil and on the leaves and petals. I look closely at the sky and wonder whether this is a prelude to a scorching day, even the birds are contemplative– not a chirp from them.

In the background someone is pounding a heavy hammer. So I put on my gumboots walk briskly around the property a couple of times and pick some strawberries for a smoothie. Then I do my rounds.  I wish I could spend all of my time from dusk to dawn in the garden – planting seeds and seedlings, repotting and replanting. But alas, it’s a luxury right now other work to be done too. So I make up my bed and rearrange my desk that I might look out on the garden.

Every day brings new developments to the property. The blueberries are bluing faster, gooseberry kadoesies are brown and dry so I know they are ripe, the pomegranate trees have teeny buds on the ends of its branches. The sweet peas are finally blooming in a cacophony of different colours. The chaste trees have sprung into action and the trees are becoming full leaved. All the lavender plants are poised in the garden with open their arm like fans and the smell is heady especially when we water them. New cosmos seedlings emerge and the delphiniums will be blooming soon, I am as anxious as a Mom with a new born. We planted all kinds of flower seeds, from snap dragons to petunias. But I still buy some punnets here and there to create some colour quicker.
wild dagga on our side
The broad beans get broader and longer and the fennel is growing thicker. The asparagus seems to be marking time to strengthen its roots. The cabbage patch is dismal. Cabbage fly has distressed the entire patch save for the broccoli and red cabbage. The rest I remove today to destroy, dig in loads of compost and plant something tough maybe some onions or peas, let’s see. I always dig in compost to enrich the soil and strengthen plants to fight disease. I thought I spied a sunbird, seeing that the neighbours took out their wild dagga and some seed fell on our side of the wall.

The kittens are growing faster and already spend lazy days in the sun, clambering up and over things, digging their nails in the netting and tentatively climbing. Cats, hey, do they know how to squirm in the attention. The students and teachers are gaga over them and Mikaeel is petting them and a bit less threatened at losing the number one spot.
I am elated at the progress at the back of the house. The neighbours rows and rows of potatoes are thick and bushy and strong and purple flowers have emerged. On our side of the wall the cucurbits are growing strong, I am happy to add, check out the pics at the end of the blog

While I check the garden and tidy and water, my son in law comes to help. We take turns with watering ( more him than me ha ha)  and although dragging the pipe around is good exercise, I am thankful when he comes round and effortlessly yanks it to my side of the garden. The back yard is filled with stacks of planks and stacks of planting pots being filled. In fact stacks of wood are all over.  I love the smell of wood and my son and I quiz each other is it mahogany or oregan pine or yellowwood or birch or beech or maple or oak. Hmmm I love the smell of wood. I don’t mind the wood all over, as long as it tranforms itself into a farm table, a few ottomans, bookracks, mirror frames.

The next few days I will spend cleaning up all the little stacks of weeds, the grass desperately needs a cutting under the clothing lines and that grows wildly around. When the grass is cut we all head for cover because die hayfever is los! I look at all of my tasks ahead for today but first I have a brother who has turned 60 today, Happy Wholesome birthday brother as we grow older we realise the milestones, may Allah bless you with great health, Salaamah, Sa'adah and Sakeena. Thinking about gifts that are interesting ne. A trip to interesting and sacred places? Most definitely.

Grow food and visit sacred places.

giant pumpkin seedling
butternut plant
watermelon plants
more butternut

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