Sunday 10 May 2015

The mother of all mothers

In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful.

Rows of fenugreek at Garlandale
Phew this was a hectic week. Hectic but wonderbaar. Last week we started working really hard on the peace garden, tilling the soils, nourishing it, preparing beds with long thick beams.  

planting cilantro

Spent some extra time on the gardens before the cold arrives. More talks at schools to engage students and visits to fellow garden collaborators. Visited the Garlandale gardens and took some pics to show you there's wonderful things happening there!

Our online platforms are livening up both at IPSA and the IHYA course Alhamdulillah - assignments submitted; discussions and resources abound. But the cherry on top was on Friday. Students from the iLABS GLO programme submitted their 5 minute movies  yay!

Every time I start a blog and abandon it, too much work - online marking; reading, preparation for the trip; taking sneak peaks at student vimeo submissions and so on.So ja, its Mom's day today with breakfast in bed and all of those things kids rush to do.

Should you take an early morning drive rows and rows of bouquets for sale. At least they could put up a sign that reads "So when last have you bought your Mom flowers?" or something witty.

Barefoot teaching
Yesterday we had class "barefoot college" style, someone forgot to unlock the classes so we made ourselves comfortable and started class.

And today I spent my day in the mother of all mothers - the peace garden, with some volunteers. Levelling vegetable beds, seeding Swiss chards and cilantro, planting chili, lemongrass and herbs and of course strawberries!

While we were busy the Al Waagah Institute for the Deaf was also having classes at IPSA. How wonderful - the plants draw everyone's attention. Pinching off herbs smelling deeply, a bright smile and off into class. A small boy and I communicating, I pretend I don't know that he eyes the strawberry plants. I wait for him to turn, tap him on the shoulder and gesture to take one. That smile, priceless.

Have a wonderful day or what's left of it.

Grow food and smile at someone.


seeding swiss chard in situ

Sayed mulching with straw

Garlandale gardens

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