Monday 28 April 2014

28 April – Alhamdulilah for 60 days of planting

In the name of Allah most gracious most merciful, who makes day change into night and who directs the changing of the seasons and who creates life from nothingness.

Ice cream bush close up
 So many vacation days, just when one gets into the work groove it’s another day off and everyone is unavailable. Don’t get me wrong – I love these chill days. As long as my work is done I can do late breakfast with family and friends; run over to the shop to get 4 Panini for R10 at you know where and grab some soft cheeses (brie, camembert and cream cheese with a bit of blue). Pick some rocket, cos, basil some salad tomato with a dressing of olive oil, balsamic vinegar, a sprinkling of yellow sugar and thyme – and you have a winner. A perfectly sound breakfast both nutritious and tantalising.
The weather is just perfect- someone is sanding a handle of a new bow; someone’s knocking nails in an easel; someone’s sunning herself on the garden bench with a book in hand; Moroccan music in the background. It does not get more poetic than this. But of course there is always work to do in the garden.

wigwam bed
Try as we might to plant strawberry plants in new beds there is still a sea of them. Even some beds that were allocated for vegetables has become strawberry beds with garlic, lettuce and spinach in between. We have planted out in trays and packets and made sadaqah to friends and schools and still the bed remains volumous.   I started planting out the onion seedlings both red and brown ones. The rocket crop is so delectable I have put in some more seedlings. The poppy plants are standing strong, though some in clumps because I just scattered them by hand a bit too randomly. The orange tree has new growth which means it’s settled in well as are the granadilla creepers and berry bushes. Talk about granadilla – the cuttings in the clone device (propagator) has taken root.

pea blossoms
I caught some basil seeds to store and wait patiently for the tomatoes to turn sunset red. The peas and beans are doing really well, climbing up wigwams and fencing and starting to bloom. Although the fruit trees are dormant for winter, there are so many healthy buds in waiting. The curry tree has a few new plants growing from the base, I will have to wait until they are strong enough to transplant them! I must remember to tell both Abu and Basil not to water the beetroot. It should be watered every 3 or 4 days, overwatering leads to lush leaves and small beets.

small curry trees
It’s amazing how this garden lures good company and new friends – met a couple originally from Jo’burg who came to visit with all kinds of offerings from compost to seedlings, a grapevine and other trees and a thresher for us to grind up branches and straw. Good conversation and welcome advice. Certainly Allah listens to our duahs. I think in the 60 days of gardening it’s starting to look like plants live here and what a feeling of blessing, Alhamdulilaah.

The spinach and celery stands lush and majestic, I look forward to the Ramadhan. Soup greens are growing abundantly and I start staggering everyday greens such as coriander and lettuce of all kinds. I am still looking around for plump fresh ginger to plant and it would be so oulik to find some fresh root turmeric and plant that too. Seeing that it has so many health benefits. I remember my Mom sprinkling some on a cut I had that would not stop bleeding. Apparently it may be useful in preventing blood clots as well as being great for bad cholesterol and staving off Alzheimer's Disease. But hey go gently, small doses over a period of time is better that one big dose. So have some in curries, rice, desserts and so on.

We planted the potato seed in two baths which we tilted ever so slightly and put some big stones at the drain. Then covered the base about 5 cm high with rich soil and compost mixed with a bit of bone meal. We covered it with newspaper and watered in. Then placed the sods about 30 cm apart and covered it with about 7cm of composted soil and watered it for good measure, can’t wait for them to peep out soon inshaAllah.

The time does go quickly as the approaching winter - before you know it there is a nip in the air, the burnt orange sky starts turning magenta and the Muathin calls. Alhamulilaah for patient children; for beautiful weather; for 60 days of planting a garden; for good camaraderie in the trenches; for generosity of friends and family; for good health (maybe a bit of sore back now and then); for the rain that Allah sends; for small birds that chirp in the early morning; for the stable manure from neighbours; for Basil who works consistency; for insects who come and pollinate and help themselves to lush leaves and for so many things that cannot be described in words.

Plant food and don't forget to be thankful for small mercies.


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