Thursday 5 June 2014

About a blog and a mouse called Hem 5 June 2014

In the name of Allah, Most gracious and Most merciful. Our nourisher, our sustainer and guide.


When I decided to do this blog my intentions were manifold. I wanted to entice/inspire to wholesome living, learning, writing, reading, cooking and baking and to capture the organic gardening. I wanted it to be light and playful sometimes, because we take ourselves far too seriously and I wanted it to be real. I wanted to share some things because although in one’s mind everyone should be able to make bollas, there are a lot of close friends and family abroad who need a recipe now and then like just how to make soup or a simple pancake. And also I wanted to showcase the work of an initiative I am a part of called iLABS – Learning across borders. But mainly because I love writing so much - it gives me an audience. So I decided to keep it around only 700 words, which is quick to type what with not always have internet cap.
Today I noticed that I have had 1000 pageviews so far Alhamdulilaah. Not too shabby , ne? Many friends are shy to leave a comment on the blog so I have lots emails, likes, shares and comments now and then. The cherry on top is when someone says – at night after a long day I switch on the computer and read your blog. Someone said that they feel a bit guilty for colouring their beard (please colour it if it makes you feel good). Some say that they it’s too wordy so they everything weekends when school’s out. And I love this one – can I fetch some strawberry plants – that’s an overwhelming yes! So ja, I think I like this and will continue to blog as long as Allah SWT gives me the strength.

Now and then there may be some errors because I misplace my glasses, sometimes in the garden or on a bookstack, tee hee and also because I have to write fast as ideas just jump into my head. My camera work seems to be getting better, thank you Allah but my kids complain a bit and with sarcastic yet tongue in cheek – she’s busy with her blog again. And please do not post personal things about me!!!! Oops! I make the Hunger games hand signal but alas cannot do the whistle.
Well, today I thought I wanted to share our mouse-capades with you, hope no one’s embarassed. But before I do, I did bake the fridge butter biscuits and dipped the sides in dark chocolate that my friend Waseemah left for me. Ta daa!
We live on about 4000 sq m of land. On it is a house and many other dwellings, a veg garden and a front garden and lots of tar with grasses at the back. The back wall is low so the neighbour’s dog comes to visit to inspect my day’s work and leaves footprints in the beds and pooh in the pathways. There are smallish grass snakes and birds and of course there will be mice. Two weeks ago I spied a cute little furry thing scurrying in kitchen. Aaah, a mousy! Then it started to get bolder and strutted down the passages at night, dipped into the rooms and did its job scurrying. It’s definitely Hem I laughed finally finding his cheese!

But then I realised it can’t be Hem because I find lots more baby droppings and scrurrying sounds at night. I have to wash out every utensil and plate; close all food things, put away the sugar bowl and so and so forth. “They have got to go! Remember the last time someone left the lid open of the chest, all the Al Hujjaj back copies were turned into confetti”. But what to do. Advice ranged from there is a new tape that their feet will stick to, mousetraps, get a cat, etc. anything but not the poison!
Well, our geyser is still bust so we get hot water in a bucket to wash dishes (from the other dwellings). And the night before last we left the bucket against the wall close to the sink. I must confess right now that I pushed it closer to where I saw the little ones scurrying down and disappear under the cupboard. In the middle of night I heard scurrying and then a scraping noise. The next morning a baby mouse and the female Hem lie there, belly up. I must say I still feel very guilty, forgive me Allah. But I continued to put the bucket there until they were all gone. It’s not a good feeling – death by drowning. Can someone help me find a cat or two kanala!!!

And as I come to the end of writing this blog, it starts to hail, just the size of mouse droppings!

Plant food but don’t drown mice

Ps. I also share the recipes because in general people are far too attached to their recipes, they sommer give you the wrong ingredients. It’s a family secret, my foot! Take the recipe, improve on it, spread the joy.



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