In the name of Allah, Most gracious and Most merciful. Our nourisher, our sustainer and guide.
When I decided to do this blog my intentions were manifold.
I wanted to entice/inspire to wholesome living, learning, writing,
reading, cooking and baking and to capture the organic gardening. I wanted it
to be light and playful sometimes, because we take ourselves far too seriously
and I wanted it to be real. I wanted to share some things because although in one’s
mind everyone should be able to make bollas, there are a lot of close friends
and family abroad who need a recipe now and then like just how to make soup or
a simple pancake. And also I wanted to showcase the work of an initiative I am
a part of called iLABS – Learning across borders. But mainly because I love
writing so much - it gives me an audience. So I decided to keep it around only
700 words, which is quick to type what with not always have internet cap.
Today I noticed that I have had 1000 pageviews so far
Alhamdulilaah. Not too shabby , ne? Many friends are shy to leave a comment on the blog so I have
lots emails, likes, shares and comments now and then. The cherry on top is when
someone says – at night after a long day I switch on the computer and read your
blog. Someone said that they feel a bit guilty for colouring their beard
(please colour it if it makes you feel good). Some say that they it’s too wordy
so they everything weekends when school’s out. And I love this one – can I
fetch some strawberry plants – that’s an overwhelming yes! So ja, I think I like this and will continue to blog as long as Allah SWT gives me the strength.
Now and then there may be some errors because I misplace my
glasses, sometimes in the garden or on a bookstack, tee hee and also because I
have to write fast as ideas just jump into my head. My camera work seems to be
getting better, thank you Allah but my kids complain a bit and with sarcastic
yet tongue in cheek – she’s busy with her blog again. And please do not post
personal things about me!!!! Oops! I make the Hunger games hand signal but alas cannot do the whistle.
Well, today I thought I wanted to share our mouse-capades
with you, hope no one’s embarassed. But before I do, I did bake the fridge
butter biscuits and dipped the sides in dark chocolate that my friend Waseemah
left for me. Ta daa!
And as I come to the end of writing this blog, it starts to hail, just the size of mouse droppings!
Plant food but don’t drown mice
YasminePs. I also share the recipes because in general people are far too attached to their recipes, they sommer give you the wrong ingredients. It’s a family secret, my foot! Take the recipe, improve on it, spread the joy.
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