In the name of Allah the most gracious, the most merciful.
22 September 2014
We have been so busy, little time for blogging. We have been
seeding, and replanting, mulching and weeding, picking and cleaning, konfyting
and bottling, watering and shading and all of the exciting –ings that happens
on a small holding goes on here.
The boys have been busy with sketching and carving, sanding
and messing and cleaning up and it’s all good. The results are fabulous.
Luqmaan, Zain and Abu are busy with all kinds of wonderful Arabic script for
painting and etching. I don’t mind all of the goings on what with sharpening of
tools – don’t forget my knives need sharpening too. All the hands around to
help with pricking and picking up heavy cauldrons, I like the buzz.
The poppies finally arrived with petals as red as the red
chard stems. I did so hope for some white ones like peace doves, from the seeds
that were strewn. This red flush of
poppies are different – stronger and longer stems and bigger heads. They stand
proudly just behind the California poppies, a sight to behold Subhanallah.
Today Aaqilah one of our principal helpers has gone in for an operation and we
make duah that the operation is a success; that she handles her situation with
Sabr and grace that she possesses and that the healing takes place steadily. We are starting to make this place wheelchair friendly don't worry!
I have always wanted to grow Asparagus and on Sunday when I
paid a visit to the nursery they had some seedlings and we bought a dozen. The
thing with Asparagus is patience. It takes twenty four months to reach
adulthood but then one has 15 years of harvest. So essentially it is planted in
spring as seedlings and when they are one year old ‘crowns’ to plant them 30cm
apart, spreading roots over a 10cm high ridge in a 20cm deep trench. Half fill
with soil; backfill the rest as plants grow.
Then one has to water plants until established and remove
the weeds by hand as plants are shallow rooted. When leaves yellow in autumn cut
stems to 2.5cm. Harvest from second year. Cut 15-20cm high ‘spears’ just below
the soil surface for eight weeks and then allow shoots grow. Best friends of
Asparagus to plant nearby, parsley, tomatoes, peppers and basil. InshaAllah, I
make duah that we manage to grow it well.
We also planted some brussel sprouts that we seeded ourselves
and they have been replanted in the beds. And I managed to buy a few Chinese
cabbages which serves two purposes for me – they are excellent at attracting
caterpillars and hardy, after that they just have a growth spurt and then they
are ready to be cooked in stews and in stir-fries. I was too impatient for the
rocket seed to dry out so I bought just a few for the beds. So I am introducing
new healthy vegetables into our diet all of the time, I am so waiting for the tiny
artichoke plants to grow into thick healthy bushes so I can cut off some heads,
cut them in half, take out the hairy choke and steam them. Sounds good dipping
them into butter and pulling them through one’s teeth, ne?
The straw mulching is really working well for the
strawberries, so we don’t have to water as much and also good camouflage for
bugs and birds. The dried leafy mulch around the small vitex trees look so
beautiful and is really helping maintain moisture in the bed.
The ginger is doing fabulously after I took it indoors. I do
intend taking them out as the weather warms up and it needs more kind of
dappled sunlight or mostly shade. The one thing I do regret is not planting
them in bigger containers to allow the rhizome to really grow. Apparently one
has to wait for the proper time to harvest, when the leafs begin to turn brown
and wilt away, most plants grow fast enough that parts can be used after only
about 4 – 6 months of growth.. To harvest the rhizome cut the new horizontally
growing rhizomes off the base-rhizome of the plant. Clean the rhizomes gently
and place them on a clean and breathable cover in the sun to dry.
Now I want to try my hand at growing cardamom inshaAllah. It is said that the hard seed sprouts more easily if given a
signal to initiate growth. A good signal is a cut (not into the core), smoke,
hot water or a file/sandpaper scratch. Place indoor in pots with rich moist
soil to facilitate growth. Then to plant out in protected area of the garden
with filtered shade. Did you know that to chew a few cardamom pods has a
calming effect plus good breath?
Grow food and try your hand at planting asparagus.
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