Tuesday 2 September 2014

Treading gently on Hajj.

In the name of Allah most gracious most merciful.
2 September 2014.
This is the time of the year when you may be driving around at 2 in the am and cars pass with men wearing white fezzes and women with their scarves in the brightest colours either coming from or going to hujjaj. The first thing that we do from our salaries and wages is put aside some money for the hujjaj who will present us as a community on Arafat this year. We call it slaawats, those little envelopes which with sleight of hand is slipped into the palm of the hujjaj with a beautiful duah – “May Allah SWT afford you a hajj mabruhr and a Sa’i mashkur and don’t forget to deliver our warmest salaams when you stand at the qabr of our Beloved Rasululah SAW.” Or when you spend this money, buy the first cup of tea or coffee with it and think about us.

No matter how long ago you were at the door of the house of Allah, one remembers it like yesterday. It is imprinted in your heart and your mind and your sub conscience forever -that day on Arafat, that first glimpse of the Ka’aba; that moment that you stood at qabr in Madinah; that view from Jabal Rahmah; that moment of Wuqoof when the cool zephyr blows and many other snapshots of memory. No matter how long ago one has been invited, one follows the footsteps of every hajjah and the heart if filled. This is the time when everyone in their small ways trying to make the farewell as easy for the traveller, by making food, baking cakes, offering the Ihram garments, a pair of socks or ghufs, making duahs, to help pack cases, in order that some of the barakah an blessings are enjoyed by all.
In Cape Town as many people as possible try to walk those final steps with you even though you may be leaving home at 4.00 in the morning. Someone will make the athaan, someone will make the final duah and someone will remind that one may not be coming home, so cleanse your heart of any rancour and forgive all and all will be forgiven. You will return with a clean slate because when hujjaj are on standing Wuqoof, according to hadith  "Verily Allah boasts of the people of 'Arafah before the people of heaven (the angels), saying : 'Look to my servants who have come to Me dishevelled and dusty.'" and he remains in that state until the sun sets.

These last few days before leaving one is still a bit star struck, am I really leaving for hajj. Is this real? I am so going to miss my children and my family. Will my actions please my Creator and will He forgive my trespasses? I remember the day before we were to leave for Mina the Sheikh said to us: “two things the hujjaj fear – the toilets on Arafat and the zahmah that is full. Firstly Arafat and Mina and all places have been upgraded and have running toilets. And the zahmah will be full - so step onto the mataaf and be the zahmah!”

So if you have not visited, make haste with asking permissions, make haste to gather your money and make haste at warm your heart, for time waits for no one. Oh would that I be re invited inshaAllah, with my entire family, to be a petal in the flower that opens and closes in the salaah facing the ka'abah, Subhanallah!

Please also read the Green Guide for Hajj where Dr Husna discusses: Preparing mindfully; traveling lightly and not purchasing plastics bottles and containers to take with on hajj; choosing sustainable tourist agencies and buying environmentally friendly products.
It’s available in PDF form.

Grow food and have a green pilgrimage.



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