In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful.
18 December 2014.
It was a horrible night, it was an awful night, a sad night.
Could hardly sleep a wink, dozing off for an hour and then a peak at how the
Leo is doing.
So here I am sitting quickly typing for the blog as the Leo
tosses and turns to find a comfortable position. He scoots in reverse to find a
way to lie on his good side and mew as he hurts. I put my best blanket against
the wall and he leans over to doze off. Then I realise that the mosquitoes are
having a go at him and place the chair overhead and drape the cake net over the
I did not expect to feel so worried and concerned, so
tearful. They are in our care and protection and he must have been frolicking
through catnip and unexpectedly the Gruesome showed up. I walk around the house
asif he will still be hanging around with a stone in my hands, “just you come
close again! Alhamdulillah, they are
such a joy to have, shukran Waseemah.
So as the sky turns lighter and blue I want to get a bit of
shuteye before we take the Leo to Kitty doctor, I do hope they can fix it and
take away his pain. Make duah.
Plant food and take good care of your kittens.
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