Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Sunbirds, wild dagga and makataan melons

In the name of Allah most gracious most merciful
24th night of Ramadhan 1435 (11.45)

lavender in concrete
Alhamdulilaah for the blessings of the last ten days of Ramadhan. This year my husband and son are not on I’tikaaf, this year our son leads us in Taraweeg and it is wonderful, standing behind him and following every garf. We all enjoyed the men being off to I’tikaaf though: my daughter and I spent quality time, made our taraweeg at home, listened to Mufti Menk, completed our khatams by the 27th night, chatted, experimented with new things. We packed in the boeka foods; me little lipstick kiss notes and had it delivered just before the Muathin called. The menfolk loved the time away making friends in kiyaam, sharing food and advice and inspiring one another to wholesome living. Sometimes a bit of time away from your partner, makes you reappreciate them.
Last night we had an incomparable Iftaar - the first away from home this whole Ramadhan, my sister in law is an exceptional cook. I had access to the Nikon again and took pics of their beautiful urban garden, mashaAllah! but more about that later. So as we’re busy scrambling around the last 15 minutes, we ask one another, “how is your khatam coming along?” and I am the first to confess I am lagging behind desperately, complaining that I am not managing my time well. And she sheepishly confesses to exactly the same. The wonderful thing is that we encourage one another to keep abreast despite all of the chores, other obligations and so we reaffirm our niyyah to catch up on more or less 3 chapters.
The thing about getting older is that one does not care as much about what others think or say to you or of you but more about what your Maker expects of you. So today I got down to it and am closer on date with my chapters. I delegate to others to take the milk tarts out of the oven - I am off to a leisurely Asr, bring the heat of the konfyt down kanala - I am reciting and please Abu I will write your article for the newsletter on Piaget after I am done with my juz (smiley face).
Plus I have had time to complete the watermelon konfyt, left some pieces to glaze on the board, tried to take some pics of the sunbirds to show you and wrote up some research. I also had time to google “flowers that love sunbirds”, email to my kids abroad, organized a tour with learners to the Seed organization; as well enquire as to where to learn about making sumptuous Italian cheeses. Did you know that the name of the flowers at the back of our yard is called Leonotis leonurus also known as wild dagga and part of the mint family. I did not know that. I was told that infusions of wille dagga has wonderful medicinal properties for asthma and cancer. So there you have it wild dagga attracts the sunbirds to your garden.
I’m just posting this blog less writing and a pictures exposè, and then I’m off to get completely on schedule with reciting InshaAllah. Whilst Abu brings us a snack of salty cracks, cheese and waterlemoen konfyt!!!
Plant food and don’t neglect your personal khatams.

This is the garden

This is the garden at the back of the house
Where the dog jumps over and the wild dagga grows

that attracts the sunbirds
This is the makataan that also grows there




A gift from the neighbour that Desiree peeled and Luqmaan pricked

That Yasmine prepared
This is dried ginger added to the cauldron
that cooked the preserve
 And this is the Konfyt of midnight snacks, of gifts for friends that our tables will grace - culture in a jar!

 Thank you Allah!!!!

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